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Maytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolCaring, Sharing, Aiming High

Welcome toMaytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolCaring, Sharing, Aiming High

About Us

In Southampton, Maytree is unique.  Our Nursery and Infants School has around 350 children, most of whom speak English as an additional language.  We are proud of our rich language and cultural diversity.  Our children are happy to come to school and make very good progress from their starting points.


We have children from a wide range of cultural backgrounds: Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Somali, Polish, Afghani, Middle Eastern, Chinese, Turkish, Iranian, Russian, Portuguese. Some families have been settled here for a long time, maybe two or three generations, but many more are newly arrived.


To be successful, we have to think carefully about teaching and learning within a broad and rich curriculum. At the same time as providing the challenge needed by the highest achievers, we provide a strong learning environment for children who arrive with no previous school experience, and/or no English.  Our new entrants to school often make accelerated progress.  


We are especially proud of our relationship with parents and carers.  Parents really understand how important their role is in a child's education and the support the school receives is truly outstanding.


At Maytree School you will see motivated and co-operative children. The children appreciate their differences and enjoy their similarities.  A large and dedicated staff team work hard to ensure that Maytree children are given firm foundations allowing them to become fulfilled, considerate and responsible citizens.  At Maytree, we all work hard to be the best we can be.


School Layout
