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Maytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolCaring, Sharing, Aiming High

Welcome toMaytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolCaring, Sharing, Aiming High

New to English


New To English

As parents, we recognise that many of you are wanting to support your children. Below are a list of websites that can help you support your child and yourself at home.


Support your child

Parent supporting their child

Below is information about how best to support your children, whether they are new to the school or are progressing through the education system. Some of the important ways you can do this are:

  • Speaking in your first language at home

  • Getting involved in schools

  • Supporting your child with homework

Parents are a child’s first and most important teacher and this influence continues throughout a child’s learning journey. We know from research that where parents are involved with their child’s learning, there is a positive impact.

Learning at home is very important to the progress and development of all children and schools value the contributions parents make.


How can I help my child if I am not fluent in English?

The quality of talk in the home is one of the key factors in enhancing learning and this can take place in any language. Parents do not have to speak good English to support children. You can help by:

  • Showing an interest in your child’s learning

  • Building on your child’s natural curiosity and fascinations

  • Asking them to tell you about what they have been learning at school

  • Praising your child for positive learning attitudes and persistence

  • Building your child’s self-esteem and belief that they can achieve

  • Encouraging your child to have high aspirations

  • Encouraging your child to find out more about a topic by asking relatives, using the library or searching on the internet


Speaking in your home language

It is very important for children and young people learning English as an additional language to continue to communicate in their first language at home

Getting involved in schools

At Maytree parents are involve in school life and will do their best to share information and include families who speak little English

Supporting your child with homework

At Maytree there is an expectation that parents will share books with children from the very start of school in the reception class

The British Council offers many websites to help you improve your English


ESOL Nexus

If you live and work in the UK, the ESOL Nexus page for learners is for you. Click on for activities to help you to improve your English, and understand more about UK life and work.


Learn English online with the help of this free website from the British Council with games, stories, listening activities and grammar exercises.
