Please go to our brand new website for all information regarding Mount Pleasant Infant School. This website is no longer being updated and will be removed shortly. Please call 023 8063 0522 to speak to the school office.
Home Page

Maytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolPlease go to our brand new website for all information regarding Mount Pleasant Infant School. This website is no longer being updated and will be removed shortly. Please call 023 8063 0522 to speak to the school office.

Welcome toMaytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolPlease go to our brand new website for all information regarding Mount Pleasant Infant School. This website is no longer being updated and will be removed shortly. Please call 023 8063 0522 to speak to the school office.

Access to Water

Hydration is particularly important for children as they have higher water requirements in relation to their body weight than adults.

Children don’t always recognise the early stages of thirst, which can make them particularly vulnerable to becoming dehydrated, especially during times that can drive up their body fluid losses, for example when they are playing sport or during warm weather.


All children have access to drinking water during lessons, when having their lunch and at morning and after school clubs. As a school we encourage drinking water and staff members’ role model drinking water and keeping hydrated as one way to help keep healthy.

