School gates open
8.40 AM
Registration will be taken at 8.55 am
(Children will be late after 8.55)
Lunchtime will now be from 12 PM
till 1 PM
Home time will now be
3.10 PM
Please arrive on
19th October 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
We wrote to you to consult with you on the proposal to change the length of the school day and seek your views on the change that we were proposing to the school day on the 12th September 2022.
The consultation period ended on Monday 17th October 2022.
The school has carefully reviewed all the responses to the consultation on the changing of the timings of the school day.
They are in agreement and supportive with the school that the change can go ahead from 31st October 2022.
The changes are as follows:
New Structure of the Infant School day from 31st October 2022
School gates and doors will open at 8.40 am.
Registration will be taken at 8.55 am (Children will be late after 8.55).
The school will close at 3.10 pm.
I believe that these changes will be beneficial to the school community, and will have a positive effect on your child’s education it will mean opportunities for a prompt start to the day and will allow for additional reading with children.
Yours sincerely
Jan Goatley