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Maytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolPlease go to our brand new website for all information regarding Mount Pleasant Infant School. This website is no longer being updated and will be removed shortly. Please call 023 8063 0522 to speak to the school office.

Welcome toMaytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolPlease go to our brand new website for all information regarding Mount Pleasant Infant School. This website is no longer being updated and will be removed shortly. Please call 023 8063 0522 to speak to the school office.

Early Years

Early Years Policy




Date Approved:

July 2022


Revision Date:

April 2025                                              

Reviewed every 3 years (June 2025)


J Goatley & R Riley

June 22

Ratified by Governors:

Maytree Infant and Nursery School / Full Governing  Body

July 2022





Children in the Foundation Stage learn through child-initiated, well-planned practical activity and play. Provision is designed to cover Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. The Early Years Foundation Phase at Maytree consists of Nursery and Reception Years. The Early Years Leader has overall responsibility for planning and outcomes.


  • To provide high-quality education and care in a learning environment which is well-planned and well organised
  • To build a partnership between the children, parents/carers and school,   so that children feel included, secure, valued and acknowledge the importance of parents as the first educators
  • To effect a smooth transfer from home to nursery, nursery and feeder nurseries to the Reception class; to effect a smooth transfer from Reception into Key Stage 1.
  • To build on what the children already know and can do
  • To enable children to continue the process of becoming independent and well-motivated learners
  • To work inclusively with all children with familiar staff whatever their ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, special educational needs, disability, gender or ability.
  • To provide opportunities for children to engage in activities planned by adults and those they imitate themselves.
  • To enable the children to develop their skills in the characteristics of effective learning e.g. explore, experiment, take risks, observe, discover, question, reflect and so establish positive attitudes towards learning.

Learning outcomes

  • That all children make good progress
  • That all children have continued the process of becoming independent and well-motivated learners
  • That most children will have achieved the Early Learning Goals and some will have progressed beyond them on to National Curriculum Level 1

Inclusion and Equal Opportunities

That all children have been included whatever their ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, special educational needs, disability, gender or ability.

Induction and transition arrangements


There is one main intake a year in September, but further children will be admitted mid year when spaces permit. 

Introductory visits to the Nursery take place before joining. Daily contact between parents/carers and nursery staff is maintained.

Reception Class

There is one intake a year. Children are admitted to the reception class in the autumn term. There is a comprehensive programme of transition activities between Nursery and Year R which takes place in the second half of the summer term. Children from Maytree nursery have several opportunities to visit their new class and get to know their new teachers. Parents are invited to join these visits with their child if they wish.

The Parents/carers of children who do not attend Maytree nursery are also invited to school for these visits. This enables the class teacher and Parents/carers to begin to make a working relationship. It is an opportunity for parents to share information about their children’s likes, dislikes, skills etc. thus allowing the teacher to begin to build up a picture of the child before they start school.

All parents are invited to 1:1 meetings at the beginning of the Autumn Term, where they can meet the Year R teachers. Year R teachers share key information with parents during these meetings.

Home visits may take place for some children if the Class Teacher feels it is necessary,

Organisation and Daily Routines


The nursery follows a routine structure for each session which incorporates the arrival of child and adult interactive activity. Children are put into teams of 10 with a key person. Adult-led activities take place in their teams.

Reception class

There are 2 classes in the reception year, each holding up to 30 children. The majority of children entering school are working within the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.  The style of teaching is mainly through hands-on activity and talking with a mix of adult-directed and child-initiated activities.

The Curriculum

Nursery and Reception Class

The curriculum is delivered through teacher-led and child-initiated activity, with a small group, whole group and individual activity.

The Nursery and Reception classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and follow a systematic and rigorous approach to the teaching of early reading based on Letters and Sounds to develop pre-literacy and literacy skills. The goal in Nursery is to get the children’s language skills in English to a level that will support them in their learning in year R.


In Year R every child will be assessed using the Reception Baseline Assessment. This assessment will be completed within the child’s first six weeks in Year R. Throughout the year, all Foundation Stage staff will record observations of ‘wow moments’ and these are recorded in each child’s individual online “Learning Journey” using Tapestry. Staff also have regular opportunities to engage in professional discussions with their colleagues about the children’s learning and development. Each child is tracked against the EYFS Development Matters at regular intervals, throughout their time in the Foundation Stage. This helps us to identify children's individual needs and plan appropriate next stages in learning based on their interests and attainment. Assessments are shared with parents during meetings and the “Learning Journey” is made available to the children’s parents at all times. All assessment data is passed on as the children move through the school from Nursery to Year R and Year R to Year 1. At the end of Year R, children will be assessed against the Early Learning Goals.

Parental Involvement

A positive relationship with parents is key to the development and progress of children. Parents and children are invited to an induction before starting in the Nursery with staff. Relationships are maintained throughout the year and continue as the children move into Year R. Parents are welcomed to settle their children at the start of every session and receive feedback about their child at the end of the session if necessary.

Parents are encouraged to attend Learning Workshops and Stay and Play sessions in both Nursery and Reception to help support learning at home. Learning Letters are also sent home weekly to inform parents of the learning that is taking place in school.

Termly parents’ evenings inform parents of their child’s progress. During these meetings, both parents and teachers agree on Next Steps for the child. A final report is sent home at the end of Nursery and Year R, and EYFS outcomes are sent home at the end of Year R.

 Parents are expected to inform the office or staff if a child is to be collected by someone other than their usual carer.  Parents are encouraged to come in and help. They are also encouraged to help their children at home, particularly by sharing books and reading.

SEND Provision

We have the capacity to offer included places in the nursery for children whose special needs have already been assessed as significant. Other children may be identified through assessments in Nursery or Year R. The SENDCO supports teachers to meet the needs of these children.

Transition to Year One

Children and Teachers have a programme of visits to aid a smooth transition. Records, progress and targets are passed on to Year 1 teachers during discussions about each child.    The timetable in Year 1 will be adapted during Autumn 1 to incorporate more child-initiated time, progressing towards the Year 1 timetable when appropriate.


