We will be launching our new website soon. We will no longer be updating this website. Please contact the school on 023 8063 0522 if you need access to key information
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Maytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolCaring, Sharing, Aiming High

Welcome toMaytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolCaring, Sharing, Aiming High

Home Learning

Click on the links below to go to the Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Curriculum pages that are full of home learning ideas and activities to complete during school closure.

Year 1 Home Learning Gallery

Home Learning Challenges

Wonderful Writing!

I am an amazing person!

Objects and their materials / Counting in 2s

Year 2 Home Learning Gallery


To see work that has been created by your class mates click on the link for your class below

A lovely poster supporting the NHS. Well done.

 - Bug Club




Bug Club is a finely leveled, phonically based online reading scheme with interactive activities. Each child has a personalized homepage where they'll find the e-Books they've been allocated by the teacher and motivating rewards. This ensures that each child can find a book at exactly the right level for them. The online reading world ensures children can access independent reading resources anywhere at any time. New books will be allocated regularly.

 - Purple Mash


We have recently subscribed to Purple Mash, which is a creative educational website for children. Purple Mash is a cross-curricular resource covering Art to Science and all subjects in between. Your child can access Purple Mash from home on a laptop, desktop or a tablet.
Purple Mash is a safe environment that does not require any downloading or allow interaction with people online and children cannot make any financial transactions.
We will be encouraging the children to continue their learning at home and Purple Mash is a great resource for this. Your child will be taught how to use Purple Mash in school and will be able to use it without supervision. 

  - Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl is an award-winning website to help support your children’s learning, both at home and at school. Find tablet-friendly eBooks, inspiring school improvement and teaching support – and look out for new content being added all the time!

Phonics Play - Phonics Play

There has been a huge shift in the past few year in how we teach reading in UK schools. This is having a big impact and helping many children learn to read and spell. Phonics is recommended as the first strategy that children should be taught in helping them learn to read. It runs alongside other teaching methods such as Guided Reading and Shared Reading to help children develop all the other vital reading skills and hopefully give them a real love of reading.

 - CBeebies

Plenty of fun games and learning opportunities at the BBC. CBeebies,  provide great fun while learning. 

- BBC Bitesize

Plenty of fun games and learning opportunities at the BBC. BBC Bitesize provides great fun while learning. 

ICT Games - ICT Games

Free lesson plans, activity ideas and resources for primary teacher
