Maytree Nursery and Infant School
CG5 Curriculum Policy
This policy describes current practice within the school and sets out guidance for best practice with regard to the whole school curriculum. It is intended to ensure consistency of delivery across the school and to inform the wider school community of current approaches.
Approaches in relation to values
The wider curriculum is taught through Cross-subject projects which have an exciting ‘hook’ to motivate and a clear ‘outcome’ to make the purpose of learning clear. Learning within a project-style approach means learning is context-embedded with many opportunities for over-learning – key strategies when teaching emergent bilingual children.
Relevance to the children's lives and varied cultural backgrounds is sustained by judicious choice of learning experiences.
Meaning is sustained by context-embedded and activity-based learning.
Purpose for learning is communicated via use of Learning objectives and working towards project outcomes.
Reflection and learning awareness are important features of the approach at Maytree and are encouraged from Nursery to Year 2.
All pupils have equal access to the whole curriculum. We cater for the needs of all pupils in mainstream classes. We recognise and plan for the needs of all pupils including these with special needs, and working at greater depth and we use available resources effectively to meet the individual needs of all pupils.
In particular, all pupils will have an education that enables them to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills identified in the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage framework.
They will have planned opportunities to develop their literacy and numeracy skills discretely and in a cross-curricular manner.
They will have opportunities to develop an understanding of the significance of Computing and how it will affect their lives.
They will experience a programme of personal, social and health education and citizenship and a programme of social, spiritual, moral and cultural development .
They will receive accurate and helpful feedback from teachers and how well they are doing at school and ways of improving their work and guidance in setting their own targets.
They have a record of curriculum achievements based on observation and discussion with them and their parents or carers and recorded in a way that is valuable for pupils, their families and their receiving schools, this may take the form of a Learning Journey in EYFS, or Literacy and Maths books, displays and parent assemblies in KS1, parents evenings and reports.
They will participate in a variety of planned and carefully chosen activities that enrich the curriculum for example visits, visitors, performances, sports and arts
The Foundation Stage follow The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework produced by the DfE which sets the standards for learning and development of children from birth to five.
In addition to the above, Reception children also follow a daily phonics programme according to the progression set out in Letters and Sounds.
Key Stage 1 delivers the National Curriculum (2014) through the cross curricular delivery of the wider curriculum and discrete Maths, Reading, Writing, Phonics, Handwriting, and PE lessons.
Coverage of the National Curriculum within this approach is ensured through year plans and termly topic plans.
Curriculum Management – roles and responsibilities
Governors, Senior Leadership Team
Curriculum Subject leaders: As above, plus:-
Policy reviewed annually
Policy reviewed by Jan Goatley, Headteacher
Review Date: Spring 2020