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Maytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolCaring, Sharing, Aiming High

Welcome toMaytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolCaring, Sharing, Aiming High


Maytree Nursery and Infant School

History Vision Statement



At Maytree School we aim to provide high quality educational opportunities that give children an understanding of past events and the skills essential to conduct historical enquiries.

We aim to teach history in a way that:

 · Inspires curiosity

 · Provides a chronological awareness of British, World and Local history

 · Allows opportunities to use and understand the methods of historical enquiry

 · Ensures an understanding of the historical concepts of change, cause, similarity, difference and significance.

 · Incorporates first hand experiences through the use of artefacts, school trips and visiting experts.

This offers the children learning experiences designed to develop their skills in information gathering, making sense of information, drawing conclusions, refining their understanding and presenting their new found knowledge and understanding in a variety of imaginative ways.
