Maytree Nursery and Infant School
This is our school’s SEND Information Report. It will inform you of how our school can support your child if they have a special educational need or disability.
This written report meets the legislative requirements set out by the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations (2014), The SEND Code of Practice (2014) and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0-25 years (January 2015).
To be read with: CG14 Special Education and Disability Policy
G1 Admissions Policy (School & Nursery)
S6A Accessibility Plan
To find up to date information on the Local Authority’s Local Offer, Services and Support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and disability aged 0-25, please click on the link below.
Further information is available in our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy which is also on our website.
Maytree Nursery & Infant School is a mainstream school that serves its local community and we believe that:
· All children should be valued regardless of their abilities and behaviours.
· All children are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum which is matched to meet each individual’s needs.
· All teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs.
· All children can learn and make progress.
· Effective assessment and provision for children with SEND will be secured in partnership with parents, children, the LA and other partners.
Education Framework
The following table demonstrates how we put support in place for all pupils with SEND (including the areas of need below).
| Whole school response Universal Quality First Teaching | Targeted support for individuals or small groups short/medium term | Specialised individual support Medium / longer term |
Teaching approaches | Maytree Nursery & Infant School follows a graduated approach to support all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND). This ensures early identification of any pupil needing additional support and provision of targeted interventions at different stages of their learning. Our approach is set out in our ‘Graduated Response Plan’ which enables us to track and monitor the progress of pupils through an ongoing Assess, Plan, Do and Review (APDR) cycle. The stages of support are as follows:
Stage 1 – Universal provision
Stage 2 – Early intervention support
Stage 3 – Targeted additional support
Stage 4 – Targeted, intensive additional support
Stage 5 – Pupils whose needs are severe, complex and long term and who require an Educational, Health and Care Plan
Pupils who are identified as having a special educational need or disability are placed on the schools SEND register if they meet the criteria for Stages 4 and 5 of the Graduated Response Plan.
Once a pupil is placed at Stage 3 of the Graduated Response Plan, we would be aware that there was a need for additional support. This need would be apparent when there is/are:
| If your child is not making progress and has poor assessment scores, they will be placed at Stage 2 on our Graduated Response Plan. Assessment for learning is used to inform planning and ensure differentiation is put in place for their level of attainment. Small groups/ independent interventions are supported by either the Class Teacher or Teaching Assistant (TA) as appropriate. If concerns about your child’s progress are ongoing, they will be placed at Stage 3 of our Graduated Response Plan; at this stage, an investigation is undertaken to identify the barriers to learning and progress, assessment is carried out to determine your child’s needs and make recommendations for further intervention and support. | At this point in the Graduated Response Plan, your child has been placed at Stage 4 or 5 on the Graduated Response Plan, and they are identified on the school’s SEND register. Work is differentiated to meet your child’s individual needs and a SEND Passport is introduced which sets out their specific needs, strengths, support and provision. Additionally, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound (SMART) targets are set for an identified period, which are reviewed formally, at least three times a year. Parents/carers are encouraged to contribute to their child’s SEND Passport. Parents will get the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress at Parent’s Evenings. Additionally, if you so wish, appointments can be made with the class teacher or Mrs Brennan (the SENDCo) to discuss your child’s progress in more detail.
Learning/ curriculum | Children will have full access to the National Curriculum and Religious Education. The Curriculum is planned by the class teacher and differentiated to suit the child’s individual needs, academic and personal development. This may include additional general support by the teacher or teaching assistant in class. Pupil progress meetings are held half termly; these are when the class teacher meets with the Head Teacher and Year Group Head to discuss the pupil’s progress in their class. This shared discussion may highlight any potential areas of concern with specific pupils. The information is then reviewed with the SENDCo, in order to implement further support through the APDR cycle. Class teachers will also communicate suggestions for parents to support their child’s learning through weekly homework. | Pupils, who have been identified as not making expected progress, will have their work differentiated, by the class teacher, so that they are able to access the curriculum. If a pupil has needs related to a specific area of their education (e.g. numeracy & literacy skills, spelling, handwriting, social or emotional needs etc.) they will be placed in a small focus group or will receive individual support; delivered by the class teacher, teaching assistant or the school’s Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA). Evidence-based interventions are implemented and link directly to the National Curriculum; targeting specific needs and gaps in learning. In addition, Maytree Nursery & Infant School offers focused teaching, during Literacy & Numeracy, outside of the classroom, for pupils working below or above the other pupils in their class. Parents will be encouraged to support their child with their learning through written or telephone messages, at Parent’s Evenings or additional meetings you are asked to attend. | The school responds to any concerns raised by parents. Also, the school will inform parents immediately if their child has been identified as having a learning difficulty. Mrs Brennan, the SENDCo, may carry out additional assessments when needs are identified and at this stage, with consent from parents, will involve outside agencies. On most occasions that an outside agency has been involved, written reports or programmes of study are normally shared with parents so they can be used at home. IEPs are written and reviewed termly by the Class Teacher and SENDCo, and shared with parents and pupils (as appropriate). If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan, you will be invited to contribute and attend their Annual Review meeting. |
| Whole school response Universal Quality First Teaching | Targeted support for individuals or small groups short / medium term | Specialised individual support Medium / longer term |
| At Maytree Nursery & Infant School, all staff are made aware of specific needs of children with SEND and are supported by the SENDCo with strategies to ensure the child receives Quality First Teaching. Members of staff regularly receive training from professionals with expertise in special educational needs. This includes eternal training courses, in-service training, staff meetings and coaching sessions. Training is aimed at maximising participation, access and achievement of children with SEND. All staff have received some training related to SEND. These have included sessions on:
In class, instructions are simplified and supported with visual aids, Makaton signing and modelling and scaffolding to assist understanding. | Regular opportunities to access individual and small group work are provided to develop independence and organisational skills, which include working on targets set by the Class Teacher. These groups are delivered by the Class Teacher, Teaching Assistant or Intervention Teacher.
| Children with SEND may also be supported by external agencies and parents are always consulted. The main contact for these agencies is the SENDCo although class teachers and TAs are also involved. It is the responsibility of the SENDCo to organise external support and maintain records. Some Teaching Assistants deliver Speech and Language programmes to support pupils with communication and interaction difficulties. Also, some are trained to deliver physiotherapy and Occupational therapy programmes to support children with fine and gross motor difficulties. All programmes are written in consultation with the Children’s Therapy Team. Teaching Assistants working 1:1 with pupils receive direct coaching from Southampton Advisory Outreach Service for SEND. |
Environment and physical resources | Maytree Nursery and Infant School is an inclusive setting that welcomes all children regardless of their abilities. Our aim is for all children to be able to access the school site. Reasonable adjustments are made and risk assessments are implemented to include all members of the school community. Our school offers a stimulating learning environment which includes:
As a school, we are happy to discuss access requirements for individual pupils. Most areas on our school site are generally accessible, dependent on the child’s specific needs.
The facilities we have at present include:
| Maytree Nursery and Infant School prepare children for change and provide support to manage unpredictable events. A range of inclusive strategies are used by Class Teachers and Support Staff to ensure the pupil is able to access a broad and balanced curriculum e.g. visual aids, visual schedules, task boards, Makaton signing, alternative methods of recording.
| The SENDCo liaises with individual or multi-agencies to provide specialist equipment or adaptations required for some children’s specific needs. Support is sought from professionals to ensure all children are included in the school environment. Specialist equipment and resources are sourced to support children with SEND e.g. pencil grip, writing slope, concentration cushion, individual workstation, individual carpet spot, Now & Next board, ipad with a programme to enlarge the Interactive board, computer for specific learning programmes etc. |
| Whole school response Universal quality first teaching | Targeted support for individuals or small groups short/medium term | Specialised individual support Medium/longer term |
Behavioural and emotional | Maytree Nursery and Infant School works alongside families to meet the needs of all pupils with their social, emotional and behavioural development. There is a caring child centred ethos at Maytree Nursery and Infant School and our aim is to ensure the emotional need of the child is a priority. | If children require additional focused support with their social, emotional and behavioural development teachers may offer individualised targets to the children. They may also offer class circle times to discuss any difficulties in a structured and respectful environment. | We have an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA). ELSAs are assistants who have received additional training from educational psychologists on aspects of emotional literacy including emotional awareness, self-esteem, anger management, social and friendship skills, social communication difficulties, loss, bereavement and family break-up. Our ELSA supports pupils on a one to one basis for specialized provision or in a group situation for social and friendship difficulties. . |
Frequently asked questions from the parent carer’s point of view:
Question | Answer |
How does Maytree Nursery and Infant School know if my child needs extra help?
What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs? | Maytree Nursery and Infant School is committed to early identification of special educational needs and disabilities. Evidence is collected through assessment and monitoring arrangements and discussed at termly Pupil Progress meetings between the Senior Leadership Team and the Class Teacher. If your child is not making the expected progress, the teacher will follow the Assess, Plan, Do, Review process and put interventions in place for a period of up to six weeks. At this stage, you will be informed of any support your child is receiving and concerns that have been highlighted. A review will take place and if your child is still not making expected progress, the SENDCo will be advised and may liaise with external agencies with your permission. If you are concerned about your child’s progress, you may speak to your child’s class teacher or contact the SENDCo (Mrs H Brennan) via the School Office. |
How will Maytree Nursery and Infant School support my child? | Your child’s class teacher and the SENDCo will oversee and plan their education programme. Depending on the intervention, your child may, at times during the school day, work in a small group aimed at supporting literacy and/or maths. If your child requires support in managing their behaviour, emotions, or social skills, staff across the school will use specific strategies; allowing them to be a successful member of the school community. It may be necessary for your child to have a Speech and Language Support programme which will be delivered, one to one, by a Teaching Assistant. You will be advised by the Class Teacher or the SENDCo if this has been recommended. |
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs? | All teachers are teachers of children with SEND and through Quality First Teaching, planning and delivery of lessons is wholly inclusive. Work is differentiated to support each chi’s needs. An Inclusive Strategies Check List is used to support teachers during planning sessions. Planning is monitored rigorously by the Senior Leadership Team. |
How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning. | We have an open door policy at Maytree Nursery and Infant School. There are termly parent evenings and you can make an appointment with your child’s class teacher or the SENDCo at a mutually convenient time. You will receive a written report in the Summer Term. If the school has any concerns about your child’s progress, we will contact you immediately. If your child has a statement of SEN or an Education, Health and Care plan, an annual review is held according to the guidance in the SEND Code of Practice (2014). |
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being? | At Maytree Nursery and Infant School, regular assemblies focus on specific areas of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and the PSHE curriculum has a focus on wellbeing, particularly mental health. For certain issues, specific to a child or class, teachers will use Circle Time to address concerns. Maytree Nursery and Infant School have close links with our partners in health, for example, the School Nurse, Children’s Therapy Service and the Dental Service. We also work closely with the Educational Welfare Officer supporting families whose children have inconsistent school attendance. |
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Maytree Nursery and Infant School? | In addition to the above we also link with the Educational Psychology Service, Social Care, Advisory Teachers for children who have physical difficulties, specific learning difficulties and hearing and visual impairments. |
What training have staff supporting children and young people with SEND had? | Our SENDCo is a qualified teacher and has achieved the Masters Level National Accredited SENDCo Award. All staff receive regular training and updates on disability and new strategies in supporting children with SEND. Relevant staff are also supported by Advisory Teachers for children with specific learning difficulties and hearing and visual impairments. The school nurse also delivers epi-pen and asthma training for all school staff. |
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips? | Our aim is to include all pupils in outdoor activities and school trips, subject to a school risk assessment. If there are any concerns, we will seek to make adaptations. In particular cases, you may be invited to accompany your child.
How accessible is Maytree Nursery and Infant School? | We make every reasonable adjustment possible. Maytree Nursery and Infant School is on one level, each classroom is accessible by wheelchair. There are accessible toilets as well as a shower. There is also a disabled parking bay. |
How will Maytree Nursery and Infant School prepare and support my child to join the school and then transfer to a new school? | On joining Maytree Nursery and Infant School, you will be offered the opportunity of visiting, at which stage you may ask any questions about our practice and policies. Teachers from Reception Year visit local pre-schools in order to meet the children in their familiar environments and liaise with pre-school staff to determine children’s individual needs. Nursery staff make home visits prior to the next academic year; this gives you the opportunity to meet your child’s Key Worker and discuss any needs your child may have. When transitioning to Junior School, teachers from both schools will meet to discuss individual needs. In addition, the SENDCos, from both schools, will meet to liaise about your child’s needs and transfer all paperwork relevant to their future education. Where transition is seen as an added challenge to your child, additional visits will be set up, prior to starting at their new school. If necessary, your child will also be provided with a transition book; providing them with photos of their new school and relevant staff. |
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs? | Schools receive funding from the Local Authority to meet the needs of all children with SEND. The amount received by each school is based on children’s prior attainment and the socio-economic make-up of the school cohort. At Maytree Nursery and Infant School, we allocate support according to need. Additional interventions are funded to support children’s progress. If your child has an Education, Health and Care plan we will ensure that the provision specified is provided. |
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive? | Three times a term, a pupil progress meeting is conducted between senior leaders and class teachers to discuss your child’s progress. If a need is identified, the Class Teacher will put support in place through the Assess, Plan, Do and Review cycle. If progress is still not as expected, the school SENDCO will assess your child’s needs and at this stage, with your permission, may request support from external professionals. |
Who can I contact the school for further information? | Your first point of is your child’s class teacher. If you still have concerns, you may contact the SENDCo or a member of the School Leadership Team.
If you would like to apply for Maytree Nursery and Infant School please contact the school office to arrange a visit. |
Frequently asked questions from the point of view of a child/young person:
Question | Answer |
How does Maytree Nursery and Infant School know if I need extra help? | Your teachers track your progress and they will know if you need extra help. As they get to know you they will understand how you learn best and will use that to help you. |
What should I do if I think I need extra help? | You can talk to someone at home and they can talk to your teacher. You can talk to your teacher or another adult working in your classroom. |
How will my work be organised so that I can cope and get it all done? | Your teacher will give you work that will allow you to learn and make progress. They will make sure that it is not too easy and not too hard, but it will make you think. |
If I have difficulties how can I be involved in planning my learning? | Your teacher or the SENDCo will have a meeting with you to discuss how you are getting on. This is called a pupil conference. You will talk about your targets for learning and how else you feel you could be supported. |
Who will tell me what I can do to help myself and be more independent? | All staff at Maytree Nursery and Infant School can help you to become independent, but if you are really worried then talk to your teacher. Your teacher will give you targets to work on when they mark your learning. |
What should I do if I am worried about something? | Talk to your class teacher or another adult that you trust in school. |
How will I know if I am doing as well as I should? | Don’t worry because our teachers will let you know quickly if they feel you need some extra help. You will also have a school report at the end of each year and your parents have the chance to meet with your teacher at least once a term to talk about how you are doing |
How can I get help if I am worried about things other than my school work? | You can talk to your class teacher or another adult in school who you feel comfortable talking to. |
Are there staff in school who have been trained to help young people who need extra help? | All our teachers have been trained to teach children with learning needs. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator has lots of experience and qualifications which mean that she is trained to help children with learning needs. |
Can school staff get extra help from experts outside of school if they need to? | We work with lots of people who can support you too for example a speech and language therapist, physio therapist, school nurse, social workers. |
If I have difficulty in taking part in school activities what different arrangements can be made? A. How will I know who can help me? B. Who can I talk to about getting involved in school activities if I need extra help? | You will be introduced to all the staff that will be working with you so that they understand your needs. You can talk to your class teacher or teaching Assistant if you would like to be involved in school activities where you may need extra help. We will always make sure that you are safe in all activities that you take part in and if necessary, we will include your parents to help us in supporting you. |
What help is there to help me get ready to start at my school? | We will talk to your current school and your parents/carers. You are welcome to come and visit Maytree Nursery and Infant school. We can give you a school prospectus and write you a social story if this would help you. |
What should you do if you feel that the Local Offer is:
Not being delivered?
Not meeting your child’s needs?
You should contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance and/or talk to our Special Needs Co-ordinator (Mrs H Brennan).
Further support for parents can also be accessed from The Southampton Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Advice and Support Service (IASS):
Tel: 0300 303 2677
How is our local offer reviewed?
The Local Offer was developed in consultation with staff and parents of children on the SEND register and will be reviewed by Governors on an annual basis.
Addendum – COVID update September 2020
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How will Maytree Nursery and Infant School continue to support my child? | Your child’s class teacher and the SENDCo will continue to oversee and plan their programme of learning. Your child may also be sat at the front of the class or on the end of a row to enable the class teacher or teaching assistant to support them appropriately. Depending on the intervention, your child may, at times during the school day, work in a small group aimed at supporting literacy and/or maths. These groups will be within their class/year group.
Although there are restrictions on how close a teacher can be to a pupil, individual support will still be provided through visual pictures, prompting, modelling and differentiated resources. If your child needs close supervision, a teacher/teaching assistant may wear a visor. |
How will additional support staff continue to support my child in the classroom? | Learning Support Assistants will continue to support children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or children with more complex needs individually or in small groups. These sessions may be outside of the classroom and in an area that allows for social distancing. They will wear a visor if working closely with children for prolonged periods of time. Class Teachers will continue to provide curriculum planning and resources to ensure they can access the learning and continue to make good progress. |
How will my child be supported with their emotional well-being? | If your child is finding the return to school overwhelming, they will be supported by the school Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA). This support will be 1:1 or in a small group, in an environment that allows for social distancing. |
Will my child still have support from external agencies? | Most external agencies are able to visit if the support they offer is essential for a child’s educational, personal or physical development. A copy of the school risk assessment will be forwarded to them prior to their visit. All visitors must wear a mask and socially distance. Meetings will take place in a designated area which limits access to broader areas of the school. |
My child has an EHCP. Will the annual reviews still take place? | Annual Reviews must take place each year. These will be held in the school conference room, which allows for social distancing, or by video conference call. All relevant agencies will be invited to attend, but encouraged rather to send in a written report. Parents and children will participate in the Annual Review meeting. |
How will the school support my child if they have to self-isolate or the school has to close? | All parents and their children have access to Tapestry, a tool used by our school to share learning and development with a child’s parents/carers. If your child has to self-isolate, their class teacher will ensure that any learning and resources are differentiated and accessible on Tapestry. Any child who does not have access to a computer or the internet will be provided with a work pack to support their home learning. If your child needs additional support you may contact the SENDCo.
If the school has to close for a period of time, all home learning will be via Tapestry, but as above, if the child does not have access to a computer or the internet, a work pack will be provided which will include the resources needed and additional information about resources for you to support your child’s learning. In addition, if your child has an EHCP, you can contact the SENDCo, by email (, who will arrange for your child’s Support Assistant to help via video conference call or telephone call. |
Child’s wellbeing & SEMH | ELSA/ Mental Health School Team
We are aware that the pandemic and subsequent lockdown will have impacted on all children’s progress, but especially those with SEND. Teachers will monitor their academic and social and emotional progress and assess for any gaps in their learning. From these assessments, some children will have interventions included into their school day, which will aid progress.
We are also aware that the lockdown may have had an impact on pupil’s social, emotional and mental health. All staff will monitor the well-being of pupils and may refer a child to our Emotional, Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA), who will support the child after parental consent has been agreed. Referrals may also be made to external agencies such as CAMHS and the Southampton Mental Health Support Team (MHST).
Review every year by Sendco
Next Review: Summer 2023