Please go to our brand new website for all information regarding Mount Pleasant Infant School. This website is no longer being updated and will be removed shortly. Please call 023 8063 0522 to speak to the school office.
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Maytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolPlease go to our brand new website for all information regarding Mount Pleasant Infant School. This website is no longer being updated and will be removed shortly. Please call 023 8063 0522 to speak to the school office.

Welcome toMaytree Nursery andInfants' SchoolPlease go to our brand new website for all information regarding Mount Pleasant Infant School. This website is no longer being updated and will be removed shortly. Please call 023 8063 0522 to speak to the school office.


Cartoon 'Lee & Kim'

If you have small children from 4 - 7 years then you should let them view this short 10 minute cartoon, which is designed to keep them safe whilst online and more importantly, this cartoon teaches them in their early years.

The 8 minute animation introduces Lee & Kim, a brother and sister navigating the online world with the help of their trusted superhero friend SID! This cartoon is produced by the Child Exploitation Online Protection Centre (CEOP) as part of their ThinkuKnow Programme, which is being rolled out throughout Primary Schools in the UK.

Lee and Kim KS1 Curriculum eSafety material

KS1/KS2 - eSafety Curriculum exemplar material from CEOP
